Thursday, June 19, 2014

Week 3: Lesson 6: Integrating The List Menu and Expanding Knowledge of Java Activities

Lesson 6: Integrating The List Menu and Expanding Knowledge of Java Activities
In this lesson you will expand your knowledge of Java by learning how to integrate the List Menu into the application. You will also learn how to create the list menu and arrange the items and their corresponding Java files within the code. In this lesson you will also learn how to create new activities with a variety of intents and learn how to edit the Android Manifest to support these new activities. The videos in this lesson will support these components and provide an opportunity for you to edit and create your own code for the application.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
Section #1: Working with Layouts In Java
1.     Review the components of the ListActivity layout and edit.
Section #2: Creating Activities and Understanding the Activity Lifecycle
1.     Compose activities in your Java for Android project.
Section #3: Understanding Intents
1.     Describe the purpose and types of intents in Java code.
2.     Describe and analyze the purpose of overrides in Java.
3.     Construct a list menu and expand activities.
Section #4: Video Demonstrations: Expanding on Classes, Activities & Overrides


Required Reading
Read the following:
·      Section #1:

·      Section #2:

·      Section #3:
View the following: 
·      Sample Code
·      Video Transcripts
Complete the following:
·      Describe the intents that you see in your current mobile application.
·       What do you need to understand about the relationship between the classes and the overrides necessary for the function of the list menu?
·      Describe the editing of the code we did in the Android Manifest for the activities in this project.


Section #1: Working with Layouts In Java

In this section, you will learn what it takes to create the ListActivity which will enable you to be able to create the list of items on the menu of the application.
Step 1.
The ListActivity class helps to create the layout of the mobile application you are working on. Read through this resource to better understand how the ListActivity binds the data within the Java code.

Step 2.
Complete Assignment #1: Describe the intents that you see in your current mobile application.

Section #2: Creating Activities and Understanding the Activity Lifecycle
In this section, you will learn how activities are created and what the components of the Activity Lifecycle are and how understanding how they will benefit your development process.
Step 1.
Read: Activities
This web page provides an overview of activities and how they are created. There are descriptions of how activities are created and how the activities are linked to the creation of the user interface. There are also directions for adding the activity into the Android Manifest file and managing the Activity Life Cycle.

Step 2.
Review this resource which provides an overview of what an activity is in Java for Android. This resource will help you understand that activities are single actions that a user can engage with on the user interface. This reading will provide you with an overview of how activities are initialized and the components of the activity life-cycle.

Step 3.
This reading provides an overview of what an override is in Java and what it does. This reading provides a step-by-step overview of what an override looks like and how it can benefit you in development with Java.

Step 4.
Read: Override
This resource provides the description of the @override code and how an error will be created if the override does not override the superclass. This resource is beneficial to help you understand some of the sample code you will be entering as part of this lesson and the video tutorials.

Step 5.
Complete Assignment #2: What do you need to understand about the relationship between the classes and the overrides necessary for the function of the list menu?

Section #3: Understanding Intents
In this section you will gain an overview of intents and how they are integrated into Java for Android projects. You will learn about the different ways intents are used with activities.
Step 1.
This reading will provide an overview of intents and how they are integrated into a Java for Android project. This reading also provides examples of how intents are created and how the Android Manifest should be edited to identify intents.

Step 2.
This reading provides an additional overview of intents but also includes a section on filters. Be sure to review the section entitled Types of Intents. Review this page fully from the top. This reading will provide a deep review of how intents work and will provide deeper insight into the code you are working with in this lesson.

Step 3.
Complete Assignment #3: Describe the editing of the code we did in the Android Manifest for the activities in this project.

Section #4: Video Demonstration on Expanding on Classes, Activities & Overrides

In these two video tutorials you will learn how to create the list menu and expand the amount of activities in your application project. You will also learn how to edit the import overrides in the sample code to add to your knowledge of classes. Please pause and review the video, as necessary, to complete tasks. Transcripts are provided.

Step 1.
View & Practice: Lesson 6, Part 1 [12:36]
In this first video you will learn how to create a new Java file and create a new class.
You will use some sample code to learn the components of the code in this lesson. You will learn how to set up the Android Manifest to run the Java files in the right order for compiling. You will also learn how to edit the codes in the overrides that had been created for you.

Step 2.
View & Practice: Lesson 6, Part 2 [14:45]
In this second video you will be introduced to the different classes with the ListActivity. You will learn how to type out the intents to show the menu of list options in the layout. Additional editing of the Android Manifest will be done to support the new activities in the project.

In this lesson you have been introduced to the list menu and how the menu will connect the other Java files you have created to this point. You have also learned that, as you add these components to your application, you are generating new activities which are part of the “life- cycle” of the application. You have also been provided a firm base in the operation of overrides in Java and the integration of intents for better understanding the code you are working with. In the next lesson you will learn what sensors are and how they can be integrated into your application.
·      Describe the intents that you see in your current mobile application.
·       What do you need to understand about the relationship between the classes and the overrides necessary for the function of the list menu?

·      Describe the editing of the code we did in the Android Manifest for the activities in this project.

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