Thursday, June 19, 2014

Week 5: Lesson 9: Integrating The Image Switcher Into The Application & Wrapping it Up

Lesson 9: Integrating The Image Switcher Into The Application & Wrapping it Up
The process of publishing your app involves multiple steps that every programmer and developer must follow. Your application must meet criteria for functionality, performance and stability, and this involves necessary steps of debugging and testing. In this lesson you will be exporting the .APK file from your computer to the Android device for testing. You will learn how to package the file and prepare it for distribution by creating a certificate and exporting. You will also learn how to connect an Android device to a computer and prepare the device for debugging an application file. Furthermore, you will learn how to use a file manager application to easily locate the application file and download it to the device. You will close the lesson by testing the device and viewing its full functionality.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
Section #1: Understanding the Publishing Process and Managing the .APK File
1.     Explain the process of how to prepare an application for publication and release.
2.     Recognize and describe an Android Application File (.APK).
Section #2: Using a File Manager to Manage Application Files
1.     Locate and employ a file manager for Android Application devices.
Section #3: Exporting the Application to a Device and Debugging it
1.     Name and create an Android Application File for testing on a device.
2.     Describe and devise strategies and tools for testing and debugging Android applications.
Section #4: Video Demonstration: Pulling it All Together and Putting it to the Test


Required Reading
Read the following:
·      Section #1:

·      Section #2:
·      Section #3:
View the following: 
·      Sample Code
·      Video Transcripts
Complete the following:
·      Describe the process of preparing your Android app to be released and publishing.  Why is it important to go through this process?
·      How can the “Astro File Manager” application be beneficial when storing and managing files you are testing?
·      What are the critical components to look for when testing an application?


Section #1: Understanding the Publishing Process and Managing the .APK File

In this section you will review the process of finally publishing your application. As a first step in the this process, you will learn about what makes up the Android Application file (.APK) and what the process of publishing the file includes.
Step 1.
This resource from Google provides an overview of the considerations you need to make before publishing an application. It includes tips for debugging before publishing and also a list of potential ways of sharing out your .APK file.

Step 2.
This resource provides the direct definition of the .APK file and tells you what purpose the APK serves to users. You will be provided a brief overview of where .APK files can be downloaded from, and you will learn tips for using them with your Android device.
Step 3.
This resource provides a brief overview of how to download and install .APK files. This resource can be used to assist you in seeing what the device needs for .APK files.

Step 4.
Complete Assignment #1: Describe the process of preparing your Android app to be released and publishing. Why is it important to go through this process?

Section #2: Using a File Manager to Manage Application Files
In this section you will learn how to use the “Astro File Manager” application to manage .APK files on an Android device.
Step 1.
This resource describes the tools available with the Astro File Manager. The resources provided in this resources also point to where this application is available on the Google Play store.

Step 2.
Complete Assignment #2: How can the “Astro File Manager” application be beneficial when storing and managing files you are testing?

Section #3: Exporting the Application to a Device and Debugging it
Step 1.
This Google developer resource outlines some of the best practices for debugging code within Eclipse. Using Eclipse with the ADT plugin, you can access the built-in Java Debugger, along with DDMS, to perform the debug of your application.

Step 2.
Read: Debugging
This resource provides an overview for what to look for when debugging an application. This short article and resources outlines the main components that comprise a typical Android debugging environment. Use this resource as you review your application for exporting.

Step 3.
This resource provides suggestions for what to test for in the Android application. Use this as a starting point for choosing items to focus on in your application testing process. The guidance from this article will go a long way in making sure that your app runs seamlessly.

Step 4.
Complete Assignment #3: What are the critical components to look for when testing an application?

Section #4: Video Demonstration: Pulling it All Together

In this final video tutorial you will learn how to export the .APK file from the Eclipse software. You will then learn how to add an Android device to a computer and change its setting to that of an external device. You will be asked to download the “Astro File Manager” application to help you locate the .APK file on the device. At the conclusion of the video the .APK file will be transferred from the computer to the device and the “Astro File Manager” will be used to locate and run the application for testing on the Android device.

Step 1.
View & Practice: Lesson 9 [11:05]

This lesson concludes the course in developing a mobile application using Java for Android. You have learned how to export the program that you have been creating as an .APK file which can run on a Android device and test the loading, user interface, counter, music, accelerometer and image swiper activities located within the menu of the application. In this course you have learned how to create an application which incorporates a launching graphic with sound that also includes a list menu of distinct items (counter, accelerometer, image swiper). The application you have learned to develop also has an icon that will appear on the apps page of an Android device.

·      Describe the process of preparing your Android app to be released and publishing.  Why is it important to go through this process?
·      How can the “Astro File Manager” application be beneficial when storing and managing files you are testing?

·      What are the critical components to look for when testing an application?

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