Monday, June 3, 2013

Classroom Screen-Cast Video Guide

Classroom Screen-Cast Video Guide
Daniel Downs, Ed.D.
Screencasting In My Classroom
In most of my courses I like to use video screen-casting to help capture the voices,perceptions,ideas and knowledge of my students. I will  ask them at the end of a unit of learning to create a screencast which covers the work they have done and also to provide insight on what they have learned . I am outlining a few of my steps that I use while using screencasting and more specifically Screen-cast-omatic software.


Step 1: Show Examples
This can be done by showing other videos you have made or other student examples. Set the bar high with your examples and raise expectations for students. Examples which are detailed and the student shows a variety of learned skills are great.

Step  2: Have students develop a script.
This can be done as an outline or as a line by line description about what they want to say. Make sure all students have done some planning so they are prepared to record. Nothing is worse than an unprepared screencast. Discuss the script with students before they record. Are thuse they prepared?

Step 3:Assess Student Knowledge Of Screencasting Software
Ask around the room about student familiarity with screencasting and Youtube tutorials. Do they already use them to learn? Have they already used them with other teachers? Introduce the tools you plan on using to the whole class but provide individualized instruction using the software.


Step 4: Work with individual students or small groups.

Work through the details of recording and uploading the videos with smaller groups or individuals. Find a classroom student expert to help you assist groups to properly create and upload without errors. The time spent differentiating instruction will be paid back with less errors in the video and also more success with uploads.


Step 5: Assessment
Screencasts are a great way to assess student learning and understanding. The videos provide a way for students to share their own insight into projects. Critiques of others work can be done in a screen cast or even a debate. Keep the format “live” and relevant for student sharing.

Step 6:Skill Learning:
Let students learn from video at their own pace. Empower them with skill building and expanding on projects by independantly seeking out the skills necessary and scaffolding knowledge. Let students teach,share and reflect on their process of problem solving.

Step 7:Sharing:
Share videos immediately with students and keep the length tolerable(5-10 minutes long). Show past videos to show students previous outcomes and ideas. Tweet and share videos in context of blog lessons or related web based learning.

Screen-casting Tips:

1.Have a professional account. Screen-cast-omatic only costs $15.00 a year and removes the trademark on the screen. Professional accounts also let  you to zoom in to details during videos.

2.Accurately select the size of the screen which is being recorded. Provide the viewer of the video a perspective of where your files,software and which operating system you are using.

3. Always double check audio levels and recording features. Be sure that if you are recording with an external microphone that it is being picked up by the computer. Be sure that audio volumes on the computer are turned up and not mute.

4.Have a plan when recording. A step by step list or series of ordered ideas.

5.Use titles or notes on the screen to guide viewers. Zoom in where necessary for the input of links or the showing of tiny details.

6.Upload directly to a Youtube account and share with your students and network. Screen-cast-omatic offers this feature and allows me to instantly back up my videos, title them and tweet them immediately.

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